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Book Info
Title: Capitalism and Freedom
Author: Milton Friedman
Original Publish Year: 1962
Original Language: English
Nominator: GenevaBookClub
GIBC: Read By Club
Book Summary
Friedman begins with a discussion of the principles of a truly liberal society. He then applies those principles to a range of pressing problems, including monetary policy, discrimination, education, income distribution, welfare, and poverty. The result is a clear and accessible book that has sold well over half a million copies in English, has been translated into eighteen languages, and shows every sign of becoming more and more influential, especially as more and more governments turn from highly planned economies to embrace free-market economics. And for latest edition, Friedman adds a preface discussing different forms of freedom - political, economic, and civil - and considering how recent events, like the reunification of Germany and the collapse of the Soviet Union, have changed the climate of economic opinion throughout the world.
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