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Book Info
Title: Negroland
Author: Margo Jefferson
Original Publish Year: 2015
Original Language: English
Nominator: GenevaBookClub
GIBC: Not Read By Club
Book Summary
Margo Jefferson is a 73 year old journalist and academic. This is her autobiography. She writes as a wealthy, privileged, highly educated member of the elite social caste of African Americans, but with a very charming, self-critical eye and an easy style. She reveals how privileged African Americans blend into the worlds of both African Americans and privileged European Americans. It is like a series of conversations with a best friend. 256 pages, published in 2016. Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award 2016. Negroland: A Memoir is a 2015 book by Margo Jefferson. It is a memoir of growing up in 1950s and 1960s America within a small, privileged segment of black American society known as the black bourgeoisie, or African-American upper class.
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